Human Rights Research League

Research. Education. Advocacy. Development. (R.E.A.D.)

Mission statement

The Human Rights Research League (HRRL) is a non-governmental organization in consultative status with the United Nations (ECOSOC) aiming at protecting individuals by placing acts contrary to human rights and international humanitarian law, systemic grievances as well as humanitarian emergencies on the agenda. HRRL seeks to contribute to knowledge and research based public discussion and problem analysis without geographical, political, confessional or other limitations or alignments.

As our name suggests, we are an organization primarily focused on research from the basis of a strong academic foundation. However, we recognize that lasting impact and positive change also depend on connecting academics and practitioners, combining research on root causes of human rights challenges with implementation of projects and policies addressing those grievances. 

To this end, we are engaged in four focus areas: Research. Education. Advocacy. Development. (R.E.A.D.), all with a view to bridging the gap between academic and practical approaches to human rights, and between problem analysis and implementation of solutions.


News & reports


Draft Program: Joint Workshop on 'In/Ex-clusivity of International Migration and Refugee Law: The Rights Holders’ Perspective', August 31, 2022
2022-04-23 16:30 On 31 August 2022, Human Rights Research League along with the European Society of International Law (ESIL) Interest Group on Migration and Refugee Law and the Forum on Immigration, Frontiers and Asyl...
FGM and Women's Access to Health - Interview in Utrop (in Norwegian)
2021-11-25 16:03 As a follow-up to our webinar on 'FGM, Women's Access to Health, and Social Norms in Norway', Human Rights Research League Chairman Tom Syring was interviewed in Utrop, Norway's leading multicultural ...
FGM and Women's Access to Health - Interview with NorSom News released (in Norwegian)
2021-11-01 23:37 In the aftermath of Human Rights Research League's Webinar on FGM and Women's Access to Health, Norwegian-Somali news channel NorSom News interviewed HRRL Chairman Tom Syring on the necessary steps to...
Discussion with the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of IDPs
2021-10-30 01:38 On 25 October 2021, Columbia University's Institute for the Study of Human Rights hosted a discussion with the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons, Cecilia Jimene...
Joint HRRL-ESIL Workshop on 'The Evolution of the Principle of Non-Refoulement in International Law: What Role for New Types of International Law-Making?'
2021-09-09 15:33 On 8 September 2021, Human Rights Research League along with the European Society of International Law (ESIL) Interest Group on Migration and Refugee Law and the ESIL Interest Group on International C...
Final Program: Joint Workshop on 'The Evolution of the Principle of Non-Refoulement in International Law: What Role for New Types of International Law-Making?'
2021-09-03 21:55 On 8 September 2021, Human Rights Research League along with the European Society of International Law (ESIL) Interest Group on Migration and Refugee Law and the ESIL Interest Group on International C...
HRRL Webinar on FGM and Women's Access to Health - Video released
2021-08-23 17:10 On 17 August 2021, from 17:00-18:30 (11 AM - 12:30 PM, EST), Human Rights Research League organized a webinar on 'FGM, Women's Access to Health, and Social Norms in Norway', with an interdisciplinary ...
Lecture at Johns Hopkins University, SAIS, on The Death Penalty in America
2021-03-23 00:48 On March 23, 2021, Human Rights Research League board member Steven Schneebaum, Interim Director of the International Law and Organizations Program and Practitioner-in-Residence at Johns Hopkins Unive...
Lecture at the University of Arizona on Forced Displacement in Sub-Saharan Africa
2021-02-18 04:03 On February 18, 2021, Human Rights Research League Chairman Tom Syring gave a lecture at the University of Arizona on 'Forced Displacement in Sub-Saharan Africa'. The lecture, presented online within ...
Human Rights Research League, UNHCR and ICRC release Kinshasa Conference Report on Forced Displacement in the DRC
2021-01-14 21:09 The Conference Report, including Conference Program, Final Communique, and Follow-Up Road Map of this International Conference on Forced Displacement in the Democratic Republique of the Congo, co-orga...
IDMC Publishes 2020 Global Report on Internal Displacement
2020-05-04 03:17 The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) just published the 2020 edition of their Global Report on Internal Displacement. The report may be downloaded here.    

Conferences & calls

On April 6, 2021, from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST, Professor Oona Hathaway will be discussing her series of articles that focus on the impact COVID-19 has had on international humanitarian law by exploring how the pandemic is affecting the rules and norms of IHL. Her series on international law seeks to address the rules around armed conflict during a pandemic, how this pandemic has impacted state obligations to provide humanitarian access, and how law of war detainees are treated in the presence of COVID-19. The event is hosted by the American Red Cross-National Headquarters International Humanitarian Law Department. For further information and to register, please see the meeting registration.

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