Human Rights Research League

Research. Education. Advocacy. Development. (R.E.A.D.)

Mission statement

The Human Rights Research League (HRRL) is a non-governmental organization in consultative status with the United Nations (ECOSOC) aiming at protecting individuals by placing acts contrary to human rights and international humanitarian law, systemic grievances as well as humanitarian emergencies on the agenda. HRRL seeks to contribute to knowledge and research based public discussion and problem analysis without geographical, political, confessional or other limitations or alignments.

As our name suggests, we are an organization primarily focused on research from the basis of a strong academic foundation. However, we recognize that lasting impact and positive change also depend on connecting academics and practitioners, combining research on root causes of human rights challenges with implementation of projects and policies addressing those grievances. 

To this end, we are engaged in four focus areas: Research. Education. Advocacy. Development. (R.E.A.D.), all with a view to bridging the gap between academic and practical approaches to human rights, and between problem analysis and implementation of solutions.


News & reports


On the occasion of the 57th Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Human Rights Research League delivered an oral statement on Afghanistan during the Enhanced Interactive Dialogue with the UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan, Richard Bennett, as well as the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Tuerk. HRRL Chairman Tom Syring pointed to two levels of 'injustice' within the Taliban's sharia court system, even according to the Taliban's own standards, where victims were not only wrongfully fined, but also forced to pay a bribe to avoid further trumped-up charges. Refusal may lead to the one speaking up being killed by the former Taliban fighthers now turned police. For details, please see the video of the Oral Statement on UN Web TV.


Human Rights Research League also submitted a Written Statement on 'Lack of Accountability and Denial of Justice in Afghanistan' (UN doc. A/HRC/57/NGO/237) to the United Nations General Assembly.

Conferences & calls

On the occasion of the 57th Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Human Rights Research League delivered an oral statement on Afghanistan during the Enhanced Interactive Dialogue with the UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan, Richard Bennett, as well as the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Tuerk. HRRL Chairman Tom Syring pointed to two levels of 'injustice' within the Taliban's sharia court system, even according to the Taliban's own standards, where victims were not only wrongfully fined, but also forced to pay a bribe to avoid further trumped-up charges. Refusal may lead to the one speaking up being killed by the former Taliban fighthers now turned police. For details, please see the video of the Oral Statement on UN Web TV.


Human Rights Research League also submitted a Written Statement on 'Lack of Accountability and Denial of Justice in Afghanistan' (UN doc. A/HRC/57/NGO/237) to the United Nations General Assembly.

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